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new book chapter - From Individual Metabolism and Biomechanics to Interactions

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We just had a new book chapter come out, in Aquatic Functional Biodiversity: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective.

In our paper - From Individual Metabolism and Biomechanics to Interactions - we provide a summary of recent theoretical and empirical advances for developing a mechanistic understanding of trophic interactions, and identify key methods and challenges for understanding and predicting the eco- evolutionary dynamics of aquatic ecosystems.

Our approach is based on the metabolic and biomechanical bases of trophic interactions, but is applicable to other types of ecological interactions that involve metabolism and biomechanics (e.g., pollination, parasitism, and competitive interactions).

A pdf of our chapter is available on the lab Publications page.

Dell Ecology Lab @ NGRREC  • One Confluence Way East Alton, IL 62024  •  Copyright 2018