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Summer Undergraduate Internship in the lab (Deadline Jan 23): Temperature Effects on fish Schooling


We seek an outstanding undergraduate student for a paid internship through the NGRREC summer internship program (www.ngrrec.org/internship). Using state-of-the-art experimental methods that include video and automated tracking, the intern will conduct laboratory experiments to measure how changes to water temperature affect the schooling behavior of juvenile Asian carp. For general questions about the intern program at NGRREC contact Intern Program Coordinator, Natalie Marioni at ngrrecintern@lc.edu. You can read more about our specific project on thermal effects on fish schooling (Project #5) here. Questions about the specific project should contact one of the project mentors: Dr Anthony Dell (www.dellecologylab.org); Dr Andrew Berdahl (https://fish.uw.edu/faculty/andrew-berdahl/), and Dr Jason Knouft (http://knouftlab.weebly.com/).

All applications are due via online submission by midnight January 23, 2019.

Dell Ecology Lab @ NGRREC  • One Confluence Way East Alton, IL 62024  •  Copyright 2018