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summer undergraduate internship available in my lab - deadline 23rd Jan

Applications due 23rd January.

I have a paid undergraduate intern position avaliable in my lab this summer - on a project using automated behavioral phenotyping to explore how environment influences the behavior of aquatic invertebrates. Using state-of-the-art experimental methods, the student will conduct laboratory experiments to test how temperature, light, turbidity, micro plastics, and/or pH influence the movement of aquatic invertebrates inhabiting wetlands, many of which play important roles in ecosystems.  To apply students will need to submit a general application here,  and will need to list my project as their preferred option (PROJECT #4 Using automated behavioral phenotyping to explore how environmental drivers influence the behavior of aquatic invertebrates, with implications for wetland conservation) . More details about the program can be found here, or you can email me directly here.

Dell Ecology Lab @ NGRREC  • One Confluence Way East Alton, IL 62024  •  Copyright 2018