Tony's Google Scholar page



51. Schindler M, PC. Pennington, AI Dell & MJ Louison. Short-term microplastic exposure fails to affect swimming endurance or body condition in juvenile golden shiners Notemigonus crysoleucas. Canadian Journal of Zoology 2025. [pdf]


50. Kontopoulos D-G, A Sentis, M Daufresne, N Glazman, AI Dell & S Pawar. No universal mathematical model for thermal performance curves across traits and taxonomic groups. Nature Communications 2024: 15(8855). [pdf]

49. Green ET, AI Dell, JA Crawford, EG Biro & DR Daversa. 2023. Trait variation in patchy landscapes: Morphology of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) varies more within ponds than between ponds. PLOS One 2024: 19(4). [pdf]

48. Grady JM, QD Read, S Record, NR Rüger, PL Zarnetske, AI Dell, AP Hubbell, ST Michaletz & BJ Enquist. 2023. Life history scaling in a tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 2023: 1-14. [pdf]


47. Seymoure B, AI Dell, F Hölker & G Kalinkat. 2023. A framework for untangling the consequences of artificial light at night on species interactions. Philosophical Translations of the Royal Society B 2023: 378(1892). [pdf]


46. Kuruvilla M, AI Dell, AR Olson, J Knouft, JM Grady, J Forbes, AM Berdahl. 2021. The effect of temperature on fish swimming and schooling is context dependent. Ecology 102(7):03369. [pdf].


45. Gibert JP, JM Grady & AI Dell. 2021. Food web consequences of thermal asymmetries. Functional Ecology 36(8):1887-1899. [pdf].

44. Harper M, HS Mejbel, D Longert, R Abell, TD Beard, JR Bennett, SM Carlson, W Darwall, AI Dell, S Domisch, D Dudgeon, J Freyhof, I Harrison, KA Hughes, SC Jähnig, JM Jeschke, R Lansdown, M Lintermans, AJ Lynch, HMR Meredith, S Molur, JD Olden, SJ Ormerod, H Patricio, AJ Reid, A Schmidt‐Kloiber, M Thieme, D Tickner, E Turak, OLF Weyl & SJ Cooke. 2021. Twenty‐five essential research questions to inform the protection and restoration of freshwater biodiversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(9):2632-2653. [pdf].

43. Cloyed CS, JM Grady, VM Savage, JC Uyeda & AI Dell. 2021. The allometry of locomotion. Ecology 102(7):03369. [pdf].

42. DeLong JP, SF Uiterwaal & AI Dell. 2021. Trait-Based Variation in the Foraging Performance of Individuals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:649542. [pdf].

41. Knouft JH, A Botero-Acosta, C-L Wu, B Charry, ML Chu, AI Dell, DM Hall & SJ Herrington. 2021. Forested Riparian Buffers as Climate Adaptation Tools for Management of Riverine Flow and Thermal Regimes: A Case Study in the Meramec River Basin. Proceedings of th Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 20202966. [pdf].

40. Daversa DR, RF Hechinger , E. Madin , A. Fenton , AI Dell , EG Ritchie, J Rohr , VHW Rudolf and KD Lafferty. 2020. Broadening the ecology of fear: non-lethal effects arise from diverse responses to predation and parasitism. Proceedings of th Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 20202966. [pdf].


39. Cloyed CS & AI Dell. 2020. The body size and temperature dependence of organismal locomotion. Ecology 101(10):e03114. [pdf].


38. Cloyed CS & AI Dell. 2019. Resource distribution and internal factors interact to govern movement of a freshwater snail. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286. [pdf].

37. JR Rohr, DJ Civitello, JM Cohen, EA Roznik, B Sinervo & AI Dell. 2019. Different metrics of thermal acclimation yield similar effects of latitude, acclimation duration, and body mass on acclimation capacities. Global Change Biology [pdf].
        - In response to this Letter to the Editor.

36. C Cloyed, AI Dell, T Hayes, R Kordas, & E O'Gorman. 2019. Long-term exposure to higher temperature increases the thermal sensitivity of grazer metabolism and movement. Journal of Animal Ecology 2019:1-12. [pdf].

35. S Pawar, AI Dell, Tianyun Lin, DJ Wieczynski, VM Savage. 2019. Interaction dimensionality scales up to generate bimodal consumer-resource size-ratio distributions in ecological communities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7(202). [pdf].
        - Part of the research topic: Unifying Ecology Across Scales: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
        - Reviewed for F1000.

34. JM Grady, BS Maitner, AS Winter, K Kaschner, DP Tittensor, S Record, FA Smith, AM Wilson, AI Dell, PL Zarnetske, HJ Wearing, B Alfaro & JH Brown. 2019. Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators. Science 363(6425). [pdf].
        - Media: New York Times, Reuters, The Atlantic, Quirks and Quarks, The Scientist,
        - See associated perspective in Science [pdf].

33. Uiterwaal SF, AI Dell & JP DeLong. 2018. Arena size modulates functional responses via behavioral mechanisms. Behavioral Ecology. 30(2):483–489 [pdf]


32. Darwall W, V Bremerich, A De Wever, AI Dell, J Freyhof, K Irvine, C Lu, A M Lewandowska, MT Monaghan, JC Nejstgaard, H Patricio, A Schmidt‐Kloiber, SN Stuart, M Thieme, K Tockner, E Turak, O Weyl. 2018. The Alliance for Freshwater Life: A global call to unite efforts for freshwater biodiversity science and conservation.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28(4). [pdf]
        - See 'The Alliance for Freshwater Life' for more information
        - Reviewed for F1000.

31. Cloyed CS, LR Cappelli, DA Tilson, JA Crawford & AI Dell. 2018. Using camera traps to assess mammal and bird assemblages in a midwestern forestJournal of Fish and Wildlife Management. [pdf]

30. Rohr JR, DJ Civitello, JM Cohen, EA Roznik, B Sinervo, & AI Dell. 2018. The complex drivers of thermal acclimation and breadth in ectothermsEcology Letters 21:1425–1439. [pdf]

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29. Cloyed CS, PK Eason, AI Dell. 2018. The thermal dependence of carbon stable isotope incorporation and trophic discrimination in the domestic cricket, Acheta domesticusJournal of Insect Physiology Volume 107:34-40. [pdf]

28. Berdahl AM, AB Kao, A Flack, PAH Westley, EA Codling, ID Couzin, AI Dell & D Biro. 2018. Collective animal navigation and migratory culture: from theoretical models to empirical evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B. 373: 20170009. [pdf]
        - Invited paper for special issue on "Collective movement ecology"

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27. Bonebrake TC, CJ Brown, JD Bell, J Blanchard, A Chauvenet, C Champion, I-C Chen, T Clark, F Danielsen, AI Dell, JM Donelson, B Evengård, S Frusher, RA. Garcia, AJ Hobday, MA Jarzyna, E Lee, J Lenoir, H Linnetved, VY Martin, PC. McCormack, J McDonald, N Mitchell, T Mustonen, J Pandolfi, N Pettorelli, H Possingham, P Pulsifer, M Reynolds, BR Scheffers, CJB Sorte, J Strugnell, M-N Tuanmu, S Twiname, A Vergés, E Wapstra, T Wernberg & GT. Pecl. 2017. Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science. Biological Reviews 93(1):284–305. [pdf]


26. Daversa DR, A Fenton, TWJ Garner, AI Dell & A Manica. 2017. Infections on the move: Infection dynamics during transient phases of host movements underlie patterns of disease spread. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 284:20171807. [pdf

25. Hirt MR, T Lauermann, U Brose, & AI Dell. 2017. The little things that run - a general scaling of invertebrate exploratory speed with body mass. Ecology 98(11):2751–2757. [pdf]

24. Kraemer B, S Chandra, AI Dell, M Dix, E Kuusisto, D Livingstone, G Schladow, E Silow, L Sitoki, R Takmatamah & P. McIntyre. 2017. A metabolic approach to understanding global patterns in the response of lake ecosystems to warmingGlobal Change Biology 23(5):1881-1890 . [pdf]


23. Biresaw T, T Nawaz, J Ferryman & AI Dell. 2016. ViTBAT: Video Tracking and Behavior Annotation Tool. IEEE Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance. [pdf]

22. Davies N, D Field, D Gavaghan, S Holbrook, S Planes, M Troyer, M Bonsai, J Claudet, GK Roderick, R Schmitt, LA Settler, V Berteaux, H Bossin, C Cabasse, A Collin, J Deck, AI Dell, J Dunne, R Gates, M Harfoot, JL Hence, M Hopuare, P Kirch, G Kotoulas, A Kosenkov, JJ Leichter, H Lenihan, A Magoulas, ND Martinez, C Meyer, B Stoll, B Swalla, DM Tartakovsky, HT Murphy, S Turyshev, F Valdvinos, R Williams and S Wood. 2016. Simulating Social-Ecological Systems: the Island Digital Ecosystem Avatars (IDEA) Consortium. GigaScience 5:14. [pdf]

21. Pawar S, AI Dell, VM Savage & JL Knies. 2016. Real versus artificial variation in the thermal sensitivity of biological traitsThe American Naturalist 187:2. [pdf]


20. Pawar S, AI Dell & VM Savage. 2015. Scaling up metabolic constraints on individuals to the dynamics of ecosystems. In Aquatic Functional Biodiversity A. Belgrano, G. Woodward and U. Jacob (Eds). Elsevier.  [pdf]

19. Barnes A, I-K Spey, L Rohde, U Brose & AI Dell. 2015. Individual behaviour mediates effects of warming on movement across a fragmented landscape. Functional Ecology 29:1543–1552. [pdf]
        - Media: Conservation Corridor, Functional Ecology

18. Kalinkat G, M Jochum, U Brose & AI Dell. 2015. Body size and the behavioral ecology of insects: linking individuals to ecological communities. Current Opinion in Insect Science 9:24-30. [pdf]
        - Invited paper for special issue on "Behavioral ecology"

17. Dell AI, L Zhao, U Brose, RG Pearson & RA Alford. 2015. Population and community size structure across a complex environmental gradientAdvances in Ecological Research 52:117-167. [pdf]
        - Invited paper for special issue on "Trait-based ecology - from structure to function"

16. Gibert JP, AI Dell, JP DeLong, & S Pawar. 2015. Scaling up trait variation from individuals to ecosystemsAdvances in Ecological Research 52:1-17. [pdf]

15. DeLong JP, B Gilbert, JB Shurin, VM Savage, CF Clements, AI Dell, HS Greig, CDG Harley, P Kratina, KS McCann, TD Tunney, DV Vasseur & MI O'Connor. 2015. The body-size dependence of trophic cascadesThe American Naturalist 185(3):354-366. [pdf]

14. Schramski JR, AI Dell, JM Grady, RM Sibly & JH Brown. 2015. Metabolic theory predicts whole-ecosytem propertiesProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 112(8):2617-2622. [pdf]
        - Associated commentary in PNAS [pdf]


13. Gilbert B, TD Tunney, KS McCann, JP DeLong, DA Vasseur, VM Savage, JB Shurin, AI Dell, BT Barton, CDG Harley, HM Kharouba, P Kratina, JL Blanchard, C Clements, M Winder & MI O'Connor. 2014. A bioenergetic framework for the temperature dependence of trophic interaction strengthEcology Letters 17(8):902-914. [pdf]

12. Dell AI, RA Alford & RG Pearson. 2014. Intermittent pool beds are permanent cyclic habitats with distinct wet, moist and dry phasesPLoS ONE 9(9):e108203. [pdf]

11. Dell AI, JA Bender, K Branson, ID Couzin, GG de Polavieja, LPJJ Noldus, A Perez-Escudero, P Perona, AD Straw, M Wikelski & U Brose. 2014. Image-based automated tracking and its application in ecologyTrends in Ecology and Evolution 29(7):417-428. [pdf]

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10. Dell AI, S Pawar & VM Savage. 2014. Temperature dependence of trophic interactions driven by asymmetry of species responses and foraging strategy. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(1):70-84. [pdf]
        - Invited paper for special issue on "Metabolism as a currency and constraint in ecology"
        - Media: Science Daily, UCLA Newsroom, EarthSky, Phys.Org, BioMedicine


9. Pawar S, AI Dell & VM Savage. 2013. Does consumption rate scale superlinearly? - ReplyNature 493(E2-E3). [pdf]

8. Madin JS, AI Dell, EMP Madin & MC Nash. 2012. Spatial variation in mechanical properties of coral reef substrate and implications for coral colony integrityCoral Reefs 32:173-179. [pdf]

7. Dell AI, S Pawar & VM Savage. 2013. The thermal dependence of biological traitsEcology 94(5): 1205. [pdf]


6. Pawar S, AI Dell & VM Savage. 2012. Dimensionality of consumer search space drives trophic interaction strengthsNature 486:485-489. [pdf]
        - Reviewed for F1000 (8: Must Read)
        - Media: Science DailySFI NewsTimes of IndiaUCLA Newsroom


5. Dell AI, S Pawar & VM Savage. 2011. Systematic variation in the thermal dependence of physiological and ecological traitsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 108(26): 10591-10596. [pdf]
        - Associated commentary in PNAS [pdf]


4. Brose U, T Jonsson, EL Berlow, P Warren, C Banasek-Richter, L-F Bersier, JL Blanchard, T Brey, SR Carpenter, M-F Cattin Blandenier, L Cushing, HA Dawah, AI Dell, F Edwards, S Harper-Smith, U Jacob, ME Ledger, ND Martinez, J Memmott, K Mintenbeck, JK Pinnegar, BC Rall, TS Rayner, DC Reuman, L Ruess, W Ulrich, RJ Williams, G Woodward, and JE Cohen. 2006. Consumer-resource body-size relationships in natural food websEcology 87(10):2411-2417. [pdf]


3. Brose U, L Cushing, EL Berlow, T Jonsson, C Banasek-Richter, L-F Bersier, JL Blanchard, T Brey, SR Carpenter, M-F Cattin Blandenier, JE Cohen, HA Dawah, AI Dell, F Edwards, S Harper-Smith, U Jacob, RA Knapp, ME Ledger, J Memmott , K Mintenbeck , JK Pinnegar, BC Rall, T Rayner, L Ruess, W Ulrich, P Warren, RJ Williams, G Woodward, P Yodzis, and ND Martinez. 2005. Body sizes of consumers and their resourcesEcology 86(9):2545. [pdf]

2. Dell AI, GD Kokkoris, C Banasek-Richter, L-F Bersier, JA Dunne, M Kondoh, TN Romanuk & ND Martinez. 2005. How do complex food webs persist in nature? pgs 425-436 In Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change. P.C. de Ruiter, V. Wolters, and J.C. Moore (eds.) Academic Press. [pdf]

1. Luz-Burgoa K, AI Dell & S Moss de Oliveira. 2005. Computer simulations of sympatric speciation in a simple food webPhysical Review E 72, 011914. [pdf]

Dell Ecology Lab @ NGRREC  • One Confluence Way East Alton, IL 62024  •  Copyright 2018